Product List Funduc Software, Inc. Copyright 1995-2012, All Rights Reserved Please visit our web site at for more information, freeware, shareware, and purchases of these and other products. Shareware reviewers and shareware distributors may distribute the shareware and freeware versions of Funduc Software products on any CD-ROMs or other distribution media without asking for specific permission. We only request that you use the most recent versions available when you prepare your distribution media. The latest versions are available from our web sites at and You may not sell the shareware or freeware versions as 'for sale' products. You may not charge a special premium for any Funduc Software product that is unique from the ordinary distribution fees for your entire distribution. Funduc Software warrants that our products are free from any third party ownership claims. You must distribute the entire shareware or freeware package for any given product. The "entire package" consist of all files installed by our executable installers or all files contained in the archived .zip versions of our shareware and freeware programs as downloaded our web sites at and Custom programming and consulting services are also available. Please write us at for inquiries and personalized arrangements. Funduc Software utilities that can be found at our web site ( and other locations such as WUGNET's (Windows User Group Network) or the Simtel file archives ( Search and Replace (shareware) ============================== Search and Replace looks through multiple files for a string and can also replace it with another string. It can search subdirectories and ZIP files and do case sensitive or insensitive searches. Extensive support for regular expression (egrep) search & replacement includes operations that span more than one line, insertion of the path & filename during replacements, and incrementing number replacements. Binary search & replace mode can be combined with regular expressions. Precise control over replacements is available through multiple confirmation options and a built-in context viewer that allows you to view replacements in- context, before they are made. An HTML Mode can be used to make html special character code substitutions during search/replace. Ignore Whitespace mode makes it convenient to handle spaces & cr-lf during non-regular expression operations. A built-in script editor makes frequent &/or complex multi-step search/replace operations easy to prepare. Advanced script operations include a boolean expression evaluator that provides additional control over which files are processed by the script. Advanced scripts also allow you to specify the program options in effect, insert comments in scripts, and perform iterative script operations. Multiple file masks and file date & size filters can be used to include &/or exclude files during regular and scripted operations. The internal context viewer includes a build-in editor for editing text files. The full complement of command line switches (including script launching) is ideal for network managers & advanced users. Other functions include: "Touch" files (change time/date stamp & file attributes); Preservation of original file date during replacements; Replacements on backup path files instead of the originals; Output reports to monitor operations; Shell extensions to launch Search & Replace from Explorer and the Find Menu; and more. All the latest functions are available both 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) versions that run under Windows 2000 and above. A detailed help file with examples are included. Several foreign language interface are available from Cost: $25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace Studio (shareware) ============================== Replace Studio is a cousin to our award winning Search and Replace utility. Replace Studio searches through one or more files for a string and can replace that string with another string. Choices for search settings include: Subdirectory Search; Archive Search (Zip, Tar, Tar.Gz, Tar.Z, Tgz, Taz); Case Sensitive; Whole Word; Ignore Whitespace; HTML Mode. File Masks and file size &/or date Filter settings are available for further choices about the files to be processed. Like Search and Replace, Replace Studio has extensive regular expression (egrep) search & replacement functionality for complex search/replaces. A Favorites menu and script editor simplifies user control over frequent &/or complex multi-step search/replace operations. Replacements in files in supported archives can be done directly - no need to manually extract files first. A built-in Context Viewer allows you to view &/or manually edit the files found by the search. The many additional options include: Preservation of original file date during replacements; Replacements on backup path files instead of the originals; Output reporting; Control over results list sorting; File Operations on files found by the search; Launch Explorer on the search results path of a file; Settings to use alternative viewer/editor on found files; Automatic locale-based international versions for supported languages; and more. Replace Studio comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions for Windows XP and above. Two flavors are available: Pro and Business. The Pro version is intended for use as a graphical interface program while the Business version is oriented towards script-based & command line use, where a graphical interface is not required. Cost: $30 (Pro) & $40 (Business). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard (freeware) ======================================================= The "Wizard" allows you to construct &/or modify regular expressions for use in our Search and Replace utility. The program can be used to help you learn the syntax or debug complex expressions involving many operators. You can visualize the effect of each of operator in a sample text pasted into the Wizard from the clipboard or retrieved from disk. Operator effects are presented in-context, using colors to distinguish the current term from other parts of the overall expression. When you are satisfied, the final expressions can (optionally) be inserted the respective Search and Replace fields. Cost: Freeware - Program F1 hlp available for $11 or free with a Search and Replace license renewal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FSDBMgr (freeware/open source) ============================== FSDBMgr is an open source, freeware Database Manager for SQLite databases. We created FSDBMrg for internal use and have made the source code available under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). A working compiled sample and sample database are available. The source can be modified and compiled using free resources. Functions in the demo version & sample code include: Built-in queries & code to find customers, examine & modify their purchase history, add purchases, etc; Import new records & purchases from an external text file; Generate PDF purchase receipts; Create a menu of custom queries; Track sales tax information. Can be cstomized to any use database format for which an ADO.NET provider is available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Translation Toolkit (RTT) (Shareware) ============================================== Resource Translation Toolkit (RTT) is utility to simply translation work on po, rc, and tmx files. Various translation suites are available but they are expensive or limited to a single file type. Resource Translation Toolkit is low cost and can work with multiple file types. The program runs on Windows 2000 and above, is small in size (approx 3 MB including support files), and does not place extensive demands on your computer. Resource Translation Toolkit is for software authors, translators, and technical users. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Toolkit (shareware) ============================= A multipurpose directory comparison and file manager for Windows 2000 and above (32-bit or 64-bit) that provides features missing from Windows. It displays single directory lists or side- by-side directory comparisons using color coding for alike, different, or missing files. Comparisons can be based on dates or a binary file analysis of file content. You can copy, move, & rename files while retaining long filenames and six built- in synchronize functions simplify updating directories. Built-in archive functions, with Explorer shell extensions, let you create & manage archives from Explorer and use Directory Toolkit as your primary archive manager for supported archives (zip, tar, gz, lz (read only), & cab). File operations and directory comparison functions work seamlessly on files in archives, e.g., no need to manually extract files first. Other features include statistics for file counts and path sizes; Ignoring filename case during comparisons; Explorer compatible OLE drag n Drop; Split/Concatenate files to/from diskettes; Encode/Decode UENCODE, Base64(Mime), BinHex(Mac), and XXENCODE formats (Decode also includes quoted- printable, 7 bit unencoded, & plain text); An integrated comparison viewer for a color coded display of the actual differences in files; Safe physical sort of directories; Touch files (change time/date & attributes stamps); Find duplicate files on a drive; Open files and launch applications; Multiple include/exclude file masks and the ability to include/exclude files based on size and date; Command line switches & script functions to automate comparisons & synchronize operations & control program options in effect via batch files; Configurable output file and print functions to create reports of single and comparison directory lists; Detects & runs (optionally) setup programs in archives; Display file version information including 8.3 file name equivalents; File numbering to number files sequentially based on adjustable sort order and a user defined starting value. Help file with examples included. International versions are available from Cost: $25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Funduc Software ZIP Extractor (freeware) ======================================== A ZIP "self-extractor stub" that lets you turn your ZIP files into a self-extracting executable that will automatically unZIP the archive when launched. This allows you to share your zip files with another person who might not have an unzip software on their computer &/or who might have only occasional use for an unzip tool. The self- extractor allows some or all files to be extracted, create the paths in the zip file (default) or "flatten" the directory structure (unzip into a single path), or extract some (or all) of the files in the zip. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registry Toolkit (shareware) ============================ Registry Toolkit lets you search &/or replace and edit the Windows registry. You can specify the data types to process, start key, case sensitive, whole word. Regular expression operations using an egrep-type syntax are also available. You can create/edit keys, values, &/or data manually if you wish. A unique 'operations' function lets you move/copy/delete/export values you select. For example, you can copy/move keys from one location in the registry to another. The program keeps multiple 'undo' files that can be used to reverse previous changes (10 is the default). An automatic 'last change' undo is available from the program GUI. Replaces can be previewed in advance, in- context. Replaces can also be previewed in the context of an overall search - a comparison dialog then lets you select/deselect specific operations to perform before making the overall replace. The program can print search & registry browse results. The .reg import function allows you to compare existing data vs data to be imported - specific items can then be selected/deselected. The .reg export function can be used to make special .reg files that delete keys when merged via Registry Toolkit or our new RTMerge program (see our web site). The various program comparison dialogs are configurable and their contents can be copied to the windows clipboard. The program can read DOS environment variables and use them in a search/replace. Script file & command line functions are available for automated &/or complex operations. Registry Toolkit will operate on a remote registry (if you have permission to do so). The program is for Windows 2000 and above (32-bit or 64- bit). A German interface is available. Cost: $25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RTMerge (shareware/freeware) ============================ Registry Merge is a command line utility that merges .reg files into the Windows registry. While this can be accomplished using regedit.exe, RTMerge has two added features: 1) The program can serve as a 'stub file' to automatically apply a .reg as an .exe. The .exe is prepared in advance. End users can then apply the .reg simply by clicking on the .exe. 2) The program can apply .reg files that delete keys. This is something not easily accomplished via regedit. See the program readme.txt for usage instructions. Cost: $11 or free to registered users of our Registry Toolkit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Folder Synchronize (shareware) ============================== Folder Synchronize is a command-line utility useful to network administrators and other power users. It provides a subset of the functions in our Directory Toolkit utility, namely, the comparison & synchronize functions. We created Folder Synchronize for those who needed those functions but not the GUI interface & other functions of Directory Toolkit such as archive management, file operations, etc. Folder Synchronize is a native 32-bit Windows executable. Folder Synchronize can synchronize two paths using one of 6 synch methods. The program can also do a comparison-only. This is useful with the output report function. When the output report is enabled it will contain a summary of the path comparison &/or a summary of the file operations carried out by the synchronize. Other features include: Switchable display (or not) of a progress meter; A custom bitmap & message of your choice can be displayed on the screen while an operation progresses; A 'No Cancel' switch can be used to make it less easy for a procedure to be interrupted; Require (or not) confirmation of file operations; Complex include/exclude file masks that let you include/exclude some file or subdirectories while including others; Multiple operations can be submitted to the program via multiple 'configuration files'. Cost: $25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Folder Synchronize Script Editor (currently freeware) ===================================================== The 'Script Editor' is used to generate (or edit) script files that can then be used with Folder Synchronize or our Directory Toolkit utility. The script switches are presented in an organized arrangement. The display of related switches can be collapsed/expanded for readability. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File Merge Express (shareware) ============================== File Merge Express is a file comparison and merge utility for 32 bit Windows. The program displays a contents comparison of two files and can (optionally) create a third file consisting of the merge of the two files being compared. That third file can (optionally) be opened in the built-in text (or binary) editor. Multiple configurations choices are available for the file contents comparison and the merge file contents including: difference prefixes, display colors, whether or not to include common sections, etc. Command line switch and a script syntax are available for your automated routines. The program also includes a Windows Explorer extension that allows you to launch a comparison from Windows Explorer. Cost: $25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Mover (shareware) ============================= Application Mover is a tool that relocates installed programs from one path to another on your hard disk. Application Mover takes files found in the path you specify and moves them to a new path that you specify. Application Mover scans the windows registry for references to files located in the 'Current' field and changes those references to the New path. Application Mover also scans all windows shortcuts in the Start Menu and adjusts path references to the new program location. Finally, *.ini and Install.log files present in the original program path are checked for strings matching the old path location. If found, these strings are changed to the new location. Confirmation dialogs are available. If a file is 'busy' and cannot be changed to the new location, a reboot prompt is offered. Pending changes are then completed after the reboot. Cost: $15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Inventory (shareware) ================================= Application Inventory is a utility that scans your system for program .exe files and generates a configurable report about the files that were located. Optional follow-up scans are then initiated automatically to cross reference the initial scan results with windows .lnk shortcuts and/or references in the windows registry. Further details on files are available from Properties and References dialogs. Include and exclude filters are available to define the initial search by path &/or string(s) found in file version information. The fields included in the initial file scan are configurable. Results be sorted, copied to the clipboard, printed, or saved in a delimited file you specify. Application Inventory can also launch windows explorer on the path containing a file in the results list. Although Application Inventory is intended as a reporting tool, various windows properties sheets can be launched that allow you to make edits to file or shortcut properties. The program defaults to scanning for .exe files but a special switch is available to scan for another file type that you specify. Cost: $15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Duplicate File Finder (shareware) ================================= Duplicate File Finder is a tool that locates duplicate files on in one or more paths. Unlike other utilities that only check file names, Duplicate File Finder performs a binary comparison of file contents and can locate files that are alike regardless of names. The scan can be defined by path, file mask(s), and (optionally) with complex filters for size/date/attribute. Results can be copied to the windows clipboard or saved to a tab delimited file. Functions to delete files, launch Windows Explorer, and show file properties are available. You can also launch a file in the results list by double clicking. Cost: $15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortcut Doctor (shareware) =========================== Shortcut Doctor allows you to check your Windows links/shortcuts and see which contain targets which can no longer be found. The program can then delete the shortcuts, resolve them, or carry out search/replace operations to modify shortcut fields with or without validation of new paths. Network Drive mappings can be inserted in the Replace dialog automatically. Individual shortcuts can be edited and all shortcuts on a drive can be displayed, regardless of whether they are valid or not. Explorer Internet URLS can also be checked for problems. CD-ROM drives, network drives, and specific paths can be ignored during processing. Includes an Empty Recent Documents button. Script files, run from the command line, allow you to do multiple operations, control program options, and easily specify complex paths. A German interface is available. Cost: $15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Funduc Explorer Extensions (shareware) ====================================== Funduc Explorer Extensions is a collection of enhancements for the Windows Explorer right-click context menu: a) Encode and Decode Email attachments - support for UUENCODE, Base64(Mime), BinHex(Mac), XXENCODE, quoted-printable, 7 bit unencoded, & plain text, b) Split and Concatenate large files into smaller ones for storage on floppies & visa versa. Split can be based on file size or a string found in a file, c) Touch files - change the time, date, & attributes of files. Touch can add (or subtract) a user specified time value from the current file time. d) File Operations - copy/move/rename/delete files using complex file masks. The program can also change case of file names & number files. A German version is also available. Cost: $15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Drive Bar (shareware) ===================== Drive Bar allows you to conveniently open views of your drives in Windows Explorer. Drive Bar's Auto Hide function allows it to disappear from view when not in use so that it does not take up screen space when not in use. You can resize Drive Bar and have it remain visible at all times if you like. You can also specify a File Manager program to use instead of Windows Explorer, launch drive views as "Tiled" or not, not include specified drives in the list of drive icons, and have Drive Bar run automatically at Windows startup (see Options). Cost: $10. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Toolkit (shareware) ========================== Update Toolkit is command line utility that provides 4 functions within a single application: - Moving/copying files - Changing and checking Windows shortcuts - Searching and changing the Windows Registry - Searching and changing text files Update Toolkit is oriented towards administrators who need to perform these operations on multiple workstations. The program is launched with a single command line. Because no graphical user interface is involved, no special steps are required to disable a program GUI when routines are run on individual workstations. Progress meters and confirmations are available if you like but these can be easily disabled. Unlike some other 'program mover' type applications that give little control over the steps to be taken, Update Toolkit allows you to specify all aspects of operation. Furthermore, you can use any combination of the areas of functioning. For example, you can use the file copy/more/compare functions and not the other three. Or you can modify shortcuts and examine the registry but do nothing with the file or text search/replace functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Funduc Software Code Format (freeware) ====================================== Funduc Software Code Format (FS Code Format) is a source code reformatter or beautifier for use by programmers. FS Code Format has GUI options to determine handling of spacing, tabs, line breaks, indentation, and comments. Backup choices include writing numbered backup files in the original path or output to a different path. Subdirectories can be processed or not via a toolbar button. The program defaults to processing *.c;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.h;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.java;*.inc files but that can be changed as needed. Multiple File Masks should be separated using the ; character. Portions of FS Code Format are based on the GC GreatCode project, which is released under the Open Source Initiative (OSI) ( The GC GreatCode project home is at Note that the GC GreatCode version provides a command line interface where FS Code Format does not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FS Touch (freeware) =================== Funduc Software Touch is a utility to change time/date & attribute stamps on one or more files. Files to operate on can be refined by complex file masks that allow you to include some files but exclude others in a path. The program also has a function to add/subtract a specified number of seconds from the current file time. The program can be run interactively from the graphical interface or the command line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Count Characters (freeware) =========================== Copy most Windows controls' data to the clipboard! That's just one of the features of this freeware program from Funduc Software. The program can report the type and content of some of the windows currently displayed on your desktop and for the most popular types of controls (including lists and trees) it can copy their contents to the clipboard. You can also copy the contents of password fields and regular text boxes. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DupBlock (freeware) =================== DupBlock is a freeware utility that generates blocks of text based on a template and variables you specify. The user enters a default text block and defines the variables. Variables can be printf- style counters or list variables. Output can be sent to the windows clipboard or a file, append mode or not. An example use of DupBlock is generating a scripts for one of Funduc Software's other utilities that uses script files for automated tasks. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FSHED - Funduc Software Hex Edit (freeware) =========================================== FSHED - Funduc Software Hex Editor - a freeware hex editor we made for users of our Search and Replace, Replace Studio Pro & Replace Studio Business Edition grep utilities who needed a hex editor/viewer for use when search-replacing binary files. FSHED is not intended to be a full featured programmers hex editor. But if you need a lightweight editor that is free, you are welcome to use it. FSHED features include: Multi-file editing; File Insert; Revert; Bookmarks; Clipboard Paste choices; Block Selection; Search/Replace; Read only switch; Print Preview; Display Choices (Bytes per line, Offset length, ANSI/OEM, Little-Endian/Big- Endian, Font Size, Screen Colors, & more); Command Line Switches (offset at offset & selection length); & more. FSHED is available in separate 32-bit & 64-bit versions. The program runs Windows XP and above, including Vista and Windows 7. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HexView for Windows (freeware) ============================== HexView is one of our legacy apps. This free hex viewer allows you to view, print, print preview of any file as a Hex Dump. HexView was intended as a free companion program to our utility, Search and Replace. We are encouraging customers to use FSHED instead because of the added features in FSHED. HexView is a standalone application and you are free to use it as you see fit. The source code (C++ using MFC 4.x or higher) can be downloaded for free from A Japanese version is available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DBComp (Freeware) ================== DBComp is a database comparison and merge application. The program performs two basic tasks: 1) The Compare Data Sources function compare two OBDC data sources for alike vs. different records and generate a Difference File that lists the records that either do not match or have been added/deleted from one data source compared to the other. 2) The Merge function examines a Difference File generated by DBComp and updates the specified data source via SQL statements. You can view the SQL statements in advance and remove one (or more) in advance if you wish. DBComp can be used to update remote data sources when it is impractical or inefficient to distribute an entire copy of the database to the remote location. The program can also be used to examine a data source against an archived (older) copy for the purposes of debugging or historical examination. Cost: Free ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode Shell Extension (freeware) ================================= This very popular freeware app is an extension for Windows Explorer. The program allows you to decode Internet email attachments by right-clicking on a saved message file from Explorer and selecting Decode from the menu. The program supports multiple attachments, multi-part files (already concatenated), UUENCODED, Base64(MIME), BinHex (Mac format), quoted-printable, XXENCODED, plain text files, and User (table) encoded files. If the attachment contains only one file, Decode Shell Extension will offer to open it using either the associated program or Notepad. For virus safety reasons, it will not offer to launch .exe., .com, .bat, & .cmd files. You should scan decoded Word and Excel files with your anti-virus checker before loading them. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Word Search and Replace (freeware) =================================== Word Search and Replace is a freeware Word macro for Microsoft Word that can search (and replace) in multiple files you specify using Microsoft Word's build-in 'find and replace' functioning. The macro has switched for subdirectory search, 'Pattern Matching', Case Sensitive, and Whole Word. Cost: Free ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Excel Search and Replace (freeware) =================================== A counterpart to our Word Search and Replace, this is a freeware macro for Microsoft Excel that searches (and replaces) in multiple .xls files using Excel's built-in find & replace function. Cost: Free ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PowerPoint Search and Replace (freeware) ======================================= PowerPoint Search and Replace rounds out our collection of freeware find and replace Office Macros. This macro is a PowerPoint .ppt file that works with MS PowerPoint files using the find and replace functions that are part of PowerPoint. You need to have the full version of PowerPoint installed. The macro can be run as a slide show but it will not work if you only have the PowerPoint Show Viewer from Microsoft. Cost: Free ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TZAdjust (freeware) =================== TZAdjust, which stands for Time Zone Adjust, is a freeware app we created for users who find it necessary to make manual changes to the Windows time zone and 'day light savings' offset parameters. TZAdjust is probably of greatest interest to Windows NT-class users. NT/2000/XP returns time information as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). In addition, the OS automatically makes Daylight Savings compensations when reporting file times. One can disable "Automatically Adjust for Daylight Savings" entirely in the Windows Day/Time Properties dialog but there may be other instances where finer control over time zone and the daylight offset is desired. Do not use TZAdjust casually. Be sure to read the information in the 'readme.txt' before using this program. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit Edit (freeware) ===================== Expands upon the built-in limit feature for edit boxes and rich edit controls by letting you set your own maximum size settings for the amount of text permitted in edit boxes and rich edit controls. For example, you could use Limit Edit to set a limit on the amount of text allowed in an instance of the Notepad text editor. Separate 16 and 32 bit Windows versions included. Cost: Free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Delivery Agent (shareware) ========================== Delivery Agent is a send-only e-mail program, with mail merge functions, for use by web site managers, network administrators, customer relations and support personnel, etc. The program is used to deliver frequently used, customer-requested e-mail messages (& MIME attachments) such as newsletters, product delivery & announcements, support notes, etc. Messages can be sent to one or more users by selecting a message from a list and entering the users' address. The program can read a text file containing a list of addresses for bulk delivery. Recipients of bulk deliveries are shielded from seeing the other recipients in the list. The program checks a POP e-mail account prior to sending message via SMTP - useful for servers that 'validate' the users current IP address prior to mail relays. Version 3.0 adds MAPI support. When activated, the program will route outgoing messages to your primary MAPI-aware e-mail program. Mail merge field name definitions, variable names, and data are stored in a single file containing the data and e-mail addresses. Variable names can be anything you like (except for the name of the e-mail address field). Mail Merge 'Constants' can also be defined. The program has a customizable header function that can be used to send web mail' or 'HTML mail'. The "To: " field can also be customized for bulk, non- mail merge deliveries. Port settings to use and maximum number of recipients per block can be configured manually. Settings and messages can be created via the program GUI or, once you are familiar with the program, via an external text editor. A full complement of command line switches allows the program to be incorporated into your .bat routines. A log file of deliveries can be enabled (or not). Cost: $25. ----------------------------------------------------------------------